It is such a blessing to be able to give. As a church, we have accepted the 'Mission' to contribute and give what we have been given to those who don't yet know Christ. We give physically and financially to different ministries. Our focus is always to give every person an opportunity to experience His love & forgiveness. As we do this we are contributing to God's overall mission, impacting lives for Jesus.
As a church, we give to local missions as well as other ministries that make a difference in Australia and around the world. We have noted two main local outreaches as well as two primary ministries we support financially on a monthly basis.
*We support additional initiatives locally and globally not mentioned on our website.
Open Thursdays to Saturdays
Flourish Op Shop is located in the main street of Henty and is one of our major local outreaches. With a variety of clothing options for Women, Men and Children all ages and more, it is worth checking out what's on offer.
Our times are:
10am to 4pm Wednesdays (intermittently)
10am to 4pm Thursdays & Fridays
10am to 12pm Saturdays
Flourish Op Shop

Tuesdays 10am to 12pm
Riverlife facilities are used for a weekly community Playgroup organised for and by local mothers. It happens every Tuesday during the school term.
It allows parents to come together and enjoy each other's company while the children play in a safe, secure and caring environment. It is a real blessing to be able to host such an event. For any inquiries, please email or message the group for more info.
We are a committed ministry partner of Brett Lindner Ministries. We support this ministry both financially and prayerfully, as together we have the privilege of seeing people supernaturally healed and set free in the name of Jesus.
It is truly a blessing to be part of the miracles and testimonies from Brett's work all around Australia.
Brett Lindner Healing Ministries

Destiny Rescue
Riverlife have been a Rescue Partner of Destiny Rescue since 2016. We donate to this amazing organisation by way of helping put operatives on the ground to rescue children out of slavery and help give them the care they need to live their lives in freedom and safety.